Labour History Remembered and Today's Greats Enjoy ...
David Costello Recalls for us All ...
Michael Jessing had consulted with us all, and chatted with many a dozen passers-by who had memories to share as he painted, but it was David Costello [next below] who recalled some of the finest campaigns, the cameraderie and the loyaties they engendered in our community.

The Labour Party and the local Unions have now been duly honoured on the Prestonpans Murals Trail for their place in the town's history - thanks to Michael Jessing [pictured immediately here below].

It seems a long time ago quite often, and it certainly is. Half a lifetime. But this 55th mural on the Prestonpans Trail [and the imminent Gardner Molloy Miners' Sculpture soon to be crafted at Top Pans] will ensure we don't forget and that today's Panners learn a tad more of our history hereabouts.
In the audience meeting, greeting and sincerely thanking Michael Jessing were today's Labour leaders in town - MP Fiona O'Donnell, MSP Iain Gray, ELC Council Opposition Leader Willie Innis, former ELC Provost Pat O'Brien ... and many many more. And indoors at the Club the Prestoungrange Players recalled some of the songs sung in the harsher days of the Labour movement. Not about coal but of the weavers and the herring fishermen and their wives.
It was pleasing to know that the artwork was funded under the Gothenburg Principles still alive and well in town; and good to know that the next Gothenburg Principles funding is to go to a mural at Pennypit recording the community's sporting greats - of which more soon.
Published Date: March 27th 2012