New Signs for Monks and Salters ..... Walkers All ... .. No Getting Lost Then ...
Thursday June 24th 2012 ... 486 years later .. they're still walkin' ... keep walkin' ....
Sometimes the planets do combine, don't they? Just as the Arts Festival in The Pans and Newbattle Abbey were resolving to do an annual Salters Walk, central government funds for Heritage Trails became available. And Preston Lodge Chemistry Club and the DoE Scheme and the Chef at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg, and the last family to make and pack salt in the Pans, decided it was time to make a wee packet or two a few years ago ...

On June 24th, in the midst of the 2012 3Harbours Festival, this fine monk-looking group walked their way to the Pans - to be refreshed one has to add at the Prestoungrange Gothenburg in a manner to which the earlier monks were not accustomed.

2013 Plans are more ambitious yet!
Whilst Newbattle Abbey's revival of the traditional walk to Prestoungrange [this year with Jewel & Esk support] is much to be admired, more ambitious plans are in hand for more salt making in 2013; and for a visit to Prestongrange Museum to see the many artefacts that they still treasure for us all.

If you're intrigued by making the silver stuff, walking 12 miles, or just becoming a Cistercian monk, please contact Gillian Hart who is the Prestoungrange Arts Festival co-ordinator by email HERE or by phone [not Mondays] at The Goth on 01875 819922.
Published Date: June 25th 2012