Stitches for Charlie: Order you DVD now for Christmas and the New Year....
It's ready now, and copies are being produced in Edinburgh as we write ...
The long-awaited DVD, running for 27 minutes, crafted by Eric Robinson, is now poised to go on sale. It's not appropriate to apologise that it's now some four months since the Private Viewing on July 26th when Eric was making what he thought would be his final shots. Anyone who has attempted to cut and paste some 50 hours or more of film into just 27 minutes, and to rejig voices over and all the rest, will know it takes even longer than stitching a panel - and that took at least 250 hours!
click to enlarge text to read
In fact, Eric got feedback on his first and second cuts from all manner of folk and from across the pond in Canada and the USA where the Global Murals Conferees took a peek ... and he decided he wanted to conclude with some shots from the home of Tapestry in Scotland, the Dovecot Studios in Edinburgh ...
Next of course the DVD needed a sleeve which John Unwin, who crafted the Official Guidebook so many have already enjoyed, kindly created as shown above. It's taken from the Duddingston panel by Ruth MacAlpine. The montage below is the inside spread of the sleeve.

It's nothing short of brilliant ...
Eric's DVD, or film as we call it, has brilliantly captured the story of our Tapestry's creation and is destined to become a significant element in the archives along with Andrew Crummy's original drawings and coloured templates and the signed copy of each panel by its embroiderer.
We are asking £12 for the 27 minute DVD plus postage and packaging the proceeds of which, after its initial production costs, will all go to the Charity's funds to maintain and preserve our Tapestry and help fund its eventual home in The Pans.
If you live outside the UK and do not have ready access to £ Sterling [which you could buy as a draft at your local bank if you so wished] try going online to the Online Boutique button to the left on this web page. You can order there by credit card in your own local currency. You'll also have to include postage and packaging there which is calculated online outwith our control.
If you live in the UK you too can order at the Online Boutique to the left here OR just send a cheque for the £12 + postage and packaging shown above to Gillian Hart/ Arran Johnston, The Prestoungrange Gothenburg, 227 High Street, PRESTONPANS EH32 9BE.
.... and we are hopeful/ doing our best to despatch to one and all before Christmas so the whole family can view [instead of The Italian Job perhaps?] but our promise here depends on the weather hereabouts and the cutting of the DVDs at Quadrille after Eric passes them the master!
P.S. Schedule just received [iv.xii.mmx] suggests we will take delivery 18th/ 19th December so please expect after Christmas.
Published Date: December 2nd 2010