Tapestry 'Embroiderers' Keep Volunteering .. but more welcome
Second Gathering of Tapestry 'Embroiderers' Sees Yet More Volunteers ....
... without getting over confident, the Trustees of the Battle Trust, and lead artist Andrew Crummy, are absolutely delighted with the response from volunteers to assist in completing the Prestonpans Tapestry by June 30th 2010.
The second gathering of the Lowlands-based embroiderers at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg on July 24th saw the formal creation of THE EMBROIDERER'S LIST of numbered panels with named volunteers. It takes the numbering from the published booklet on the Tapestry and 'reserves' panels for the volunteers on a first come first agreed basis - provided a strong local connection/ relevance can be demonstrated. They can be seen below reviewing and commenting on the artwork thus far which Andrew has produced.
From the outset the Trust has been grateful to the East Lothian WI Rurals who have wholeheartedly backed the project and given advice on how to make good contacts across Scotland.
A formalised 'administrative group' will be formed by end September and Andrew Crummy is first finalising the artwork of the panels for which volunteers have already been found and confirmed. He will publish by the beginning of September the dates by which he expects his artwork to be ready for formal 'sign off' for each of the panels and then for the embroidery work to commence.
click to enlarge photographs & press cutting
Although the response has been excellent thus far from vounteers, more are still needed .... for instance from Glenfinnan, Aberdeen, Stirling, Coltbridge and Edinburgh... so any who would like to assist please be in touch with Andrew Crummy or Gillian Hart via The Prestoungrange Gothenburg [closed Mondays] on 01875 819922 or call in and have a word at The Goth.
from East Lothian News - click to enlarge

Published Date: August 3rd 2009