Symposium Links Up with Dunbar & Pinkie
September 18th/ 19th 2008 Symposium in The Pans
As the East Lothian Courier directly reports below, the Trust under Herbert Coutts' leadership is planning a major Symposium of all stakeholders in the Batte of Prestonpans in September, immediately prior to the re-enactments on Friday 19th/ Saturday 20th September. An impressive programme for scholars, Panners at large and youngsters is being arranged. It is being held at The Prestonpans Community Centre and the Battle of Pots and Pans will be re-presented during the Symposium.
click on all press cuttings to enlarge

Discussion on the co-significance of Pinkie and Dunbar will also be included
The last thing the Trustees in Prestonpans want to appear to be doing is to muscle in on the heritage of Pinkie or Dunbar [reported in the cuttings below]. But both those communities have indicated they are keen to work alongside the Prestonpans Battle Trust as we campaign here for the protection of all battlefields across Scotland. More than that, Pinkie [1547], Dunbar [1650] and Prestonpans [1745] were all battles in the eastern corridor to England and their occurence here in East Lothian one hundred years apart was no coincidence! An unsuccessful Rough Proxy-Wooing by Edward VI, Cromwell's stunning victory and the equally staggering result achieved by Bonnie Prince Charlie all took place here because of our strategic location in the ancient struggle with the Auld Enemy. The issues involved are certainly on the Agenda at the Symposium.

Published Date: March 5th 2008