Cleaning Up the Battle Bing: April 29th ...
April 29th 1 pm - 3 pm: Let's Get the Litter Removed!
All who abominate litter and broken glass scattered around and about the streets and countryside are being called to the colours in Prestonpans by Stuart Pryde on April 29th. And that date is part of the 'Keep Scotland Beautiful Month' of activity across East Lothian and the rest of the nation.
click on cuttings to enlarge

Myriad community groups will be at work at that time, but this NewsNet is an especial call for those who will give their time to Bonnie Prince Charlie's cause at his commemorative Battle Bi[y]ng. With the campaign for its conservation and presentation in full swing, and major initiatives in June and September this year, we want all visitors to see it at its best.
Please tell us by email that you will at the foot of the Bing at Meadowmill just prior to 1 pm on Sunday April 29th. Bring family, friends and children too ...
The email link is
And if you can come along afterwards to The Prestoungrange Gothenburg to enjoy one of their famous Gothenburgers - on the house - please put that in your diary too. Sylvia Burgess, Secretary to the Trustees, is Steward for the day [direct phone 01280 816161 or 01875 819922].
For Information: 'Orders for the Day' from Stuart Pryde are as follows:
Community Action Day on Litter: April 29th 2007
"I’m delighted to say the Day of Action has attracted a lot of interest and support from the community.
It takes place on Sunday 29th April from 1:00 – 3:00 pm and groups and individuals are asked to meet at one of a number of key target locations, where they will be issued with equipment and given guidance on how to enjoy the event safely.
We’ll be giving out Goodie Bags to participants, gifts to groups who support the event and prizes for various categories such as the best named team and the best fancy dress outfit!
This really is a great chance to show support for a campaign that aims to rid the town of one of the most common sources of public complaint and annoyance, develop the team spirit within your respective group and have some fun in the process. Please help spread the word to all your friends and family and let us make this a day to remember.
Final details will be sent out to you by letter prior to the event and updates will be posted on to help you track the event.
Yours faithfully
Stuart Pryde
Principal Amenity Officer
Direct phone: 01620 827430
Published Date: March 20th 2007