Educational Resources for School Groups
Fiona Campbell has created a continually growing range of educational resources for use by teachers following Scottish History in their curriculum and those making open-ended visits with school groups to view The Prestonpans Tapestry.
Link Here for Background to the Creation of the Tapestry
The resources are downloadable below and may be reproduced at will, without charge, for inhouse use. Attention is, however, drawn to international copyright issues if any 'other' use is intended for the resources or for any of the images contained in the tapestry. [See Copyright button to left here.] Bulk purchases of the Trust's own full colour 28pp book for schools by Stuart McHardy [Sterling 2.50 per copy + postage and packaging] can also be arranged although that title may be downloaded for inhouse individual private study by clicking on the title page image below.
The initial tranche of educational resources from the Battle Trust created by Fiona Campbell can be accessed below by clicking on each underlined title:
Teachers' Tapestry Background Briefing Notes [suggest read these first]
The Synoptic History Pictured on each of the Embroidered Panels
#1: Word Grid & Favourite Panel #6: Making 18th Century Bread
#2: Anagrams & Highlander kit #7: Designing Your Jacobite Bookmark
#3: Bonnie Prince Charlie's Tranent Maze #8: Designing a Medal for Bonnie Prince Charlie
#4: Order the Campaign Events #9: Battle Timeline Cut & Stick
#5: Tapestry Facts Quiz
Any educational groups wishing to purchase copies of McHardy's book and/ or to arrange private/ guided visits to see and learn from the Tapestry should make email contact to: - or telephone [44] [0]1875 819922 [not Mondays] .Details of the touring venues for the Tapestry are published at this website from time to time. To be kept regularly up-to-date it is easiest if you Register as a Subscriber via the panel to the left here.
Gordon Veitch's BattleGame Prestonpans 1745
Another very popular and highly engaging educational resource the Battle Trust has sponsored [for use by adult Battle Gamers as well as school groups] is Gordon Veitch's BattleGame Prestonpans 1745. It is played on a 10' x 8' topographical reconstruction of the battle site in 1745, to published Rules - which can be reviewed and downloaded at will, without charge, by clicking on the title page image below. Each year an annual knock-out Competition is staged at the September re-enactment encampment in Prestonpans. BattleGame Prestonpans 1745 is available for appropriate visits to schools and Battle Gaming associations. Email enquiries please to: - or telephone [44] [0]1875 819922 [not Mondays]. You can download the Rules of Battle by clicking on the cover image below.