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Dunbar Harbour Trust Interprets the 1650 Battle Horizon

1650 Battle Interpretation accelerates in Dunbar in lead up to 2019 re-enactments in September

The triennial cycle of re-enactments by the Scottish Battlefields Trust across East Lothian sees 1650 Dunbar in the spotlight again this coming September 13/ 15th.

With support from Historic Environment Scotland the Scottish Battlefields Trust has been at work researching this conflict and restoring the Monument/ Cairn with extra help from the Cromwell Association. It's been installing a dedicated Battlefield Walk with street signage and interpretation boards.

But they've not worked alone these past 3 years. Tarmac has also placed interpretation at its new site and now Dunbar Harbour Board has added an excellent interpretation board looking across the harbour and town to Doon Hill where the Scottish Army was encamped in the days before battle and from which is erroneously made its tragic descent to confront Cromwell. Photography included comes from the 2016 re-enactment staged by the Scottish Battlefields Trust with support from East Lothian Council and EventScotland. The panel headlines: Blood & Banishment.

The comprehensive story of the battle, its causes, process and devastating outcomes, not least the death march to Durham and the exiling of many to the American Colonies will be told from September 13th/ 14th/ 15th. A new book on the battle, Essential Agony, by local historian Dr Arran Johnston will also be published by Helion Books.

Published Date: July 20th 2019

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