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Coming Very Soon! Trust's Manifesto to 2023

Advance Notice

In the coming week the 1745 Battle Trust in Prestonpans will be publishing its Manifesto to 2023 in Draft - for the widest possible extent of public comments and feedback. It has received funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund [formerly HLF] to research and craft its plans. Once this has been received, the Trust will publish its 'Agreed Manifesto' as the basis for fund raising and greatly expanded activities with schools and tour groups as well as with our own community. Maximum use will be made of social media to stay in touch and to ensure awareness of what's planned is widely known.

In particular, the 1745 Battle Trust has responsibility for caring for and displaying in an eventual permanent home both the tapestries - The Prestonpans launched in 2010 and the Scottish Diaspora launched in 2014. They've already attracted over 500,000 visitors across the world since launch.

The plans involve a very significant local initiative to create and build a Living History Centre that comprehensively tells the story of the battle as well as housing these two great artworks.

Details of the proposals and how to lodge your comments will be released next week.

Published Date: April 9th 2019

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