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Dour, granite ... disproportionate role across the globe ...

Apropos our embroidered diaspora, thoughts from Charles Moore last week in The Daily Telegraph

Granite Workers ay Montello Wisconsin

Stitcher: Nancy Kloskowski

From the start of quarrying the rich, red granite hill in the centre of Montello, Wisconsin in 1881, Scottish workers played a large role. The first granite quarry company sent for 125 “marble workers” and polishers from Scotland. Names like Andrew Rae, Robert Harper, and John Robertson, all Scots arriving in the early 1880s, helped make the famous Montello granite internationally known and highly valued. Monuments around the US are made of this granite including General Ulysses S. Grant’s sarcophagus and a monument at the Custer National Cemetery.

US17 Luchd-obrach cloich-ghràin

Bho thòisich cuaraidheachd air a’ chnoc shaibhir cloich-ghràin dhearg ann am meadhan Montello ann an Wisconsin ann an 1881, bha luchd-obrach Albannach aig fìor theis-meadhain na cùise. Chuir a’ chiad chompanaidh cuaraidheachd clach-ghràin air tòir 125 “luchd-obrach màrmor” agus luchdlìomhaidh à Alba. Chuidich ainmean mar Anndra Rae, Raibeart Harper agus Iain Robasdan, uile nan Albannach a ràinig tràth sna 1880an, le clachghràin Montello a dhèanamh aithnichte agus ainmeil agus air àrd-luach, gu h-eadar-nàiseanta. Tha carraighean-cuimhne air feadh an US dèante às a’ chloich seo a’ gabhail a-steach na ciste-laighe cloiche aig an t-Seanalair Ulysses S. Grannd agus carragh-cuimhne ann an Cladh Nàiseanta Custer.

Published Date: January 18th 2019

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