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Lord Lieutenant & Provost of East Lothian Lay Wreaths for those who died at Prestonpans in September 1745

Wreaths to those who died laid at Greenhills at end of Clans Parade …

The wreaths first laid at Greenhills by HM's Lord Lieutenant Michael Williams and Provost John MacMillan were destined by noon to be carried to the two new Memorial Tables on the Waggonway - in the heart of the battlefield. The narrow access at the Waggonway had precluded the Parade passing that way although, led by The Prince, it had made its way past the Memorial to Prestonpans Coalminers.

After a Welcome from the Battle of Prestonpans [1745] Heritage Trust by Gordon Prestoungrange, both the Lord Lieutenant and Provost added their Welcomes and thanks to the many Clan volunteers who had made their way to Prestonpans.

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Published Date: September 20th 2018

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