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Open Invitation to Panners to Join Battle Campaign: February 28th

Briefing and Update Session: February 28th @ The Prestoungrange Gothenburg

The fourth Open Briefing and Update Session by the Trustees of the Heritage Trust will take place at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg on February 28th at 6 p.m. Complimentary canapes and tapas will be served.

Absolutely all are welcome. There are some 20+ online Supporters already registered here at the website from The Pans and Vicinity; and another score from the Edinburgh area generally.

Please come if at all possible. But also bring along as many family and friends as you can.

There is much to report and the plans for 2007 are nearing completion including a grand celebration on September 21st and a Ball at the Palace of Holyrood House that evening.

Published Date: January 18th 2007

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