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Is Macron a tad late? We’re already addressing the Spanish Civil War …

Intriguing news to hear that the French are suggesting the Bayeux Tapestry might come to the UK whilst they are renovating its current home in Bayeux. Certainly it diverted attention from the underlying reasons for his discussions at Sandhurst which are more akin to the Spanish Civil War where one is looking for sincere assistance in the unending struggle France is engaged in across North Africa.

Scotland will be a great exhibition location because …

…… well, we hardly need to tell recipients of this NewsNet! Scotland has been the catalyst for a widespread renaissance in interest and creative participation in this genre of story telling. Starting here in Prestonpans in 2008 [inspired by a visit to Bayeux none less!] but then spreading across the globe in the Scottish Diaspora, thousands have stitched new artworks and hundreds of thousands have visited.

Yes, we’ve been to Bayeux; not just as visitors but also to exhibit our own Battle of Prestonpans 1745 Tapestry

There were no Frenchies at Prestonpans. They had failed to show in Scotland despite earlier promises to support Bonnie Prince Charlie. But there was to be a better outcome. After the stunning Victory on September 21st that year, the French signed the Treaty of Fontainbleau promising support for the Jacobites.

We renewed that Treaty in 2013 with support from CreativeScotland when we exhibited our 1745 Tapestry in the very Bayeux Museum that is about to be renovated.

Action Lines

Perhaps the 1745 Trustees should be contacting Bayeux, CreativeScotland and the Cabinet Secretary for Culture in the coming days to make the case that the Bayeux Tapestry should indeed come to Scotland as part of an imaginative tour of venues across the UK should be arranged. The good news is that the Curators of the Tapestry in Bayeux know us well from our delightful visit there so we’re off to a flying start.

The Cistercian foundation at Newbattle Abbey that first established the salt pans in Prestonpans and mined coal hereabouts was established by Robert from one of those invading Norman families - de Quincy.

Maybe a custom-built exhibition centre for the Bayeux Tapestry can be constructed here in Prestonpans, and when it heads back to France that centre could become the permanent home for our own two tapestries here in The Pans? There's a thought outside he box ....

Published Date: January 22nd 2018

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