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East Lothian Antiquarians get first share of Arran Johnston's Diaspora Insights on November 11th

Saturday November 11th @ 2.30PM @ Haddington's Maitland House Hotel

Yes, there's been even more to the tales we're told in the 305 panels of the Scottish Diaspora Tapestry than their original researching, their designing [by Andrew Crummy], their stitching [1000+ co-ordinated by Yvonne Murphy & Gillian Hart], and then their exhibiting so far to 150,000+ as it's gone touring across the globe [led by Arran Johnston, Sharon Beck, Jenny Bruce, Gordon Prestoungrange and myriad hosts/ hostesses].

Over the past 4 years Arran Johnston has also been researching with the University of the West of Scotland into the sociology and the social psychology of the particular diaspora members we've encountered .... and much more besides. The results will be published in the coming months but some, even many, of his fascinating findings and emergent conclusions will get their first airing, most appropriately, on November 11th at the East Lothian Antiquarians.

That's enough to whet the appetite.

It's billed as the opening Lecture for The ELA & FNS's 2017/ 2018 Programme; starts at 2.30PM and then it's followed with order-on-arrival-pay-as-you-go Afternoon Tea Options at Haddington's Maitland House Hotel.

Published Date: October 29th 2017

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