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Waggonway Archaeology Dig moves steps closer ... for Tranent/ Cockenzie Harbour

Waggonway 1722 Heritage Group on track for Big Dig this September

The Waggonway that runs from Tranent to Cockenzie Harbour already has its own Walkers' signage and is included on the prestonpans 1745 Battle Trust APP widely signed around the community; now it plans an extensive Dig at the harbour where early small digs have found very promising artefacts.

It's being organised as part of East Lothian's County Archaeological Fortnight this coming September.

Images of how the Waggonway once looked when in active use have already been created for the Battle Trust by Alan Braby LINKED DIRECTLY HERE

And as is reported this week in the East Lothian Courier the plans for a replica waggon and a better landscaped quayside are very much in the Heritage Group's sights.

A recent Crowdfunding raised £750 to follow through on hundreds of hours of In-Kind volunteer support and earlier grants from Paths for All and the Barons Courts of Prestoungrange & Dolphinstoun.

Volunteers please contact the Group asap here

Published Date: May 14th 2017

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