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Cuthill Park Keeps Blooming Away ... it's brilliant!

Cuthill Park's Friends win deserved accolade

What a delight it is to see Cuthill Park going from strength to strength .. even becoming a Mum's 'destination'!

It's not long ago that the park was shoulder high grass to young people, but then the Campaign began to get that cut, led by the Arts Festival and 1745 Battle Trust. It was quite frankly 'demanded' that it be restored to its originally intended purpose. History reports that it had been gifted by the Grant-Sutties when the Royal Musselburgh Golf Club took over their baronial hall in the 1920s for the enjoyment of the community. And many older Panners can well remember when it was so enjoyed at Gala Days and much more besides. And yes, under the guidance of today's Friends of Cuthill Park, with ELC and Community Council support, it is once again an excellent community asset.

The late Jim Forster, fine athelete commemorated on Pennypit Centre's Mural, devoted gardener and former Chairman of the Prestonpans Historical Society, who first called for the Campaign and encouraged the painting of the Lowes Market Garden Mural seen below, will be well pleased.

Published Date: October 8th 2016

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