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Tranent/ Cockenzie Waggonway to get Signage & Interpretation

PATHS FOR ALL - for a Happier, Healthier Scotland

The Prestoungrange Arts Festival is delighted to announce that Paths for All has given them a grant of £1500, with £2500 matching funding coming from the Barons Courts Charity, to install walkers' signs and interpretation boards for the ancient Waggonway which runs from Tranent / Cockenzie Harbour.

This is just a first step and the whole project will include Guided Walks which are to be available next month during 3Harbours Festival.

The Waggonway dissects the John Muir Way at Cockenzie Harbour and runs across the 1745 battlesite and Meadowmill. As such, it can expect to see a significant increase in well informed use!

The Prestoungrange Arts Festival is working in partnership with Ed Bethune of the Coastal Regeneration Alliance on this particular project. But there are yet more ambitious steps ahead including a shared APP with the Battle of Prestonpans 1745 Heritage Trust to be ready by September 2016; and optimistically the creation of 3 Murals and a reproduction waggon on a section of rail in the next 12/ 18 months.

Published Date: May 30th 2016

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