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Prestonpans a Scunner Indeed .. but We Will Forgive You MDC

Glasgow Rangers' ezine Reports with Respect on Preston Athletic's defeat of Stenhousemuir

We are indeed proud that Preston Athletic's first round Cup defeat of Stenhousemuir merited a write up in the ezine for Glasgow Rangers. And we forgive ejourno 'MDC' his opening reference to our renaissance town of Prestonpans. The attitude even ignorance he manifest of the architectural literary and fine art treasures and social cohesion of our renaissant town that played such a crucial role in Scotland's 19th century industrial revolution ....was more than redeemed by his clear understanding of the way we play football here [which incidentally is why we at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg ... for the refined indeed??... are delighted to sponsor the club and the match ball last weekend].

MDC opined: "Being lost in Prestonpans is a bit of a scunner". Dictionary definitions are along these lines ... 'feeling of disgust, revulsion, loathing, nausea or surfeit .. [figuratively] repugnance, distaste, dislike, loss of interest or enthusiasm ...'

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Published Date: November 20th 2006

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