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Press Tales from Goolwa .. next stop Adelaide ...

The word is out Down Under .. and seems the tapestry is well appreciated for keeping 'The Promise'

..... and here's our Diaspora Poet in full flow .. Our Thanks to Elizabeth Caldicott!

... bad news travels fast. Word back in East Lothian!

Feedback from Estelle Farwell in Goolwa of the achievements they had and some great ideas for the future!

'As you can see the Exhibition was a great success & the work was shown at its best in the gallery space. It was so fortunate to have the Australian launch in what is considered one of the best regional galleries in Australia.
Feedback was very positive & our stitchers were very proud to have their work on display for all the locals to admire.

'Press coverage was as good [see above] as we could expect from regional radio & newspapers but a couple of textile artist also put great things on their blog so we hope Adelaide benefitted from that.

'Visitors were almost overwhelmed by the beauty & extent of the show & really appreciated having a booklet to take away with them. They also appreciated having experienced embroiderers on duty to explain how the panels were created & the stitches & materials used.

'They made the following comments on the wall texts & suggestions for improvement. The coloured background made the small sized printing difficult to read; the amount of reading took time away from viewing the panels

'So some suggestions for the future perhaps? Large dot point description of the background to the project – perhaps a map showing the places featured _ right at the entrance to the show; besides each group (cluster) a list of the panels & one or two lines about the story - this would make it easy to find particular [own] panels; the contact addresses for the home page & the shop and the APP details.

'All in all a great success.'

Published Date: November 20th 2015

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