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Next stop France: La Tapisserie de la Diaspora Ecossaise

We promised we'd do our best to take the tapestry back to its stitchers' own communities ..

... and we are doing just that. The final two exhibitions this year on the continent will be in France. First it will be at Boussy-Saint-Antoine on three discrete locations, and then in Paris. Details are given in full on the poster copied below.

Not only have the Twinning Association of Boussy and the Edinburgh University Alumni there made all the arrangements but they've translated the text of all the panels into French as well. It will shortly be available at the website and on the Official APP Guide nearing completion.

And after close on Thursday October 29th, it's post haste to Adelaide Australia where the exhibition opens in Goolwa South Australia the following Friday November 6th - we are looking to DHL to master the logistics and Jenny Bruce will be on the ground Down Under to ensure it does.

Published Date: September 12th 2015

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