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Going Colquitt Way for Swamp Gravy and More in 2010

Destination 2010 for the Global Conference

One of the most important elements of any Global Conference is the opportunity it provides for those who wish to Apply to Host the Biennial Conference four years hence to make their bids. And the 5th Global Conference in Prestonpans on August 15th 2006 was no exception.

Under the Chairmanship of the President, Dr Karl Schutz, members of the Association received city presentations from Merritt in British Columbia and from Colquitt in Georgia. Whichever town won the majority of votes would follow on from Sheffield, Tasmania, already selected for March 2008 at the 4th Conference in Ely Nevada 2004.

Each town had so much to offer. Merritt is the capital of Canadian Country and Western Music and its murals programme created by Michelle Loughery depicts many of the Festival's alltime greats. Colquitt has won endorsement from the State of Georgia as the State's Murals Capital building on its world famous Swamp Gravy season.

To their manifest delight, the winner was Colquitt, Georgia. Their seven strong team conviced the majority of members that the 7th Global Conference in 2010 should be their's to present.

Published Date: August 22nd 2006

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