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3 Harbours Festival Looks Magnificent

Three Harbours, Really?

Several wags are out looking for the third harbour that has given its name to the Inaugural '3 Harbours Arts Festival' being held in East Lothian during the first week in June. And its true that you need to be over thirty to have ever seen that third harbour at Prestonpans, Morrison's Haven with or without two rs. It was infilled after silting up at the time the Prestongrange Pit was closed in the sixties, but its name lives on. The harbours at Port Seton and Cockenzie are still there today of course and increasingly appreciated again.

Michael McVeigh Has Painted It!

For the avoidance of any doubt there's a full historical study of it, # 2 by Julie Aitken, from the Prestoungrange Arts Festival

.... and Michael McVeigh's hugely popular painting at the Goth in the Lord Mayor's Bar captures what he perceives of it.

Click on image to enlarge

The Festival Programe is massive. Link to the brochure online here

Published Date: May 14th 2006

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