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Two Fascinating Books about Prestonpans

July 23rd is Publication Day ..

Two books about Prestonpans have been in preparation since 1998 ... the first is the latest history stretching back 1000 years and the second shows the Art Treasures of Prestonpans including all the recent murals. And there will be two 2007 calendars on sale too from June 1st at the Three Harbours Arts Festival.

July 23rd is Gothenburg Day celebrated at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg when the books can be collected and signed by their authors. Linda Sneddon, the well recognised East Lothian photographer, has been responsible for many of the photographs of the arts treasures.

Subscribers Invited

As the information below shows, the Publishers are inviting those who are keen to commit as supporters of the Prestoungrange Arts Festival in Prestonpans to become official Subscribers, with their names included on the Prelim Pages when published to recognize that support.

Please read the details very carefully and if you so wish, get in touch before May 31st by phone to
[+44] [0] 1875 819922.

Click on images to enlarge

After July 23rd Books on Sale Separately

The books can be purchased separately after July 23rd of course and will make ideal Christmas gifts for relatives who have left town for a nearby location or gone long distances across the world.

Published Date: April 30th 2006

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