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Pots (Old & New ) at Pans

Under Jane Bonnar's leadership the Baron Courts' latest project, for 2001, has been launched. Alison Robinson, Potter and Teacher from Portobello, has agreed to work in support of her. Jane Bonnar's booklet, No 9 in the Project 2000 Series entitled Decorative Pottery at Prestongrange (large file, 879kb) tells a full story of the area's several potteries over the past centuries. It is available here for download or for purchase via Prestoungrange University Press at £2.50 + pp.

There are three immediate goals and a fourth for the medium term, and funding has been established to see them through.

  • Virtual Pottery Exhibition Online a collection of pottery made in the Prestonpans area in the past has been on display at the Museum since July. These and many other excellent examples of the potters work are being photographed for display here on the Prestoungrange web site. We are calling it our Virtual Pottery Exhibition. Anyone with items not shown here is urged to contact us by email if they are willing to allow your pieces to be displayed.

  • Reproductions of Original Pots with Alison Robinson's leadership, selected items will be reproduced from the Exhibition for sale at the Museum. Items not in production may also be commissioned.

  • A New Millennium Prestoungrange and a Dolphinstoun Collection again with Alison Robinson's assistance, Jane Bonnar is seeking proposals from potters in the Lothians to create two New Millenium Collections - one for Perstoungrange and a second for Dolphinstoun. The Collections are expected before end 2001.
  • On Site Beehive Kiln to be Rebuilt at Prestongrange Museumarchitectural plans are being prepared for the reconstruction of a working Beehive Kiln at Prestongrange Museum, that will also provide an Exhibition of work. It is also hoped to fire one of the Brickworks sectors no later than 2002 o a suitable occasion.

Once the plans are drawn costings will be made and a team of committed potters sought to guarantee its use and to explore the myriad ways that the investment can meet its future recurrent expenses.

Once the plans are drawn costings will be made and a team of committed potters sought to guarantee its use and to explore the myriad ways that the investment can meet its future recurrent expenses.

Published Date: October 1st 2000

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