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'Honouring' The Artistic Volunteers 1998- 2005

Prestoungrange Arts Festival [2006] Launched

The Barons Courts [1998] was founded in that year to 'launch' the Arts Festival with handsome donations received from Baronial Trusts and associated family members. It will indeed continue to carry its committed programme of art and cultural activities forward until the Global Conference in August 2006 as mandated, and pump priming sponsorship of the Pottery Exhibition in 2007. But from January 1st 2006 a new not-for-profit social enterprise will emerge to run initially in parallel with the Barons Courts [1998]. It will be owned by those arts volunteers in Prestonapns and vicinity who resolve to join as Members. It is known as the Prestoungrange Arts Festival [2006].

Membership will eventually be open to all although initially invitees have come from the individuals who have given willingly and voluntarily of their time since 1998. They have already held two 'Moots' at the Prestoungrange Gothenburg November 20th and December 1st, and volunteers are now signing up for the myriad action groups planned. These cover Witches' Remembrance, Burns Celebrations, Art Classes and Summer Schools, the 1745 Battle Campaign, Gothenburg/ Sweden Day, the 2006 Global Conference, the Prestonpans Marathon and much more besides.

Charitable Grants and Gothenburg Income Streams Available

The new social enterprise begins life with a distinct financial advantage. It has a three year murals' maintenance grant from the Charity in hand under Andrew Crummy's direction; 10p per pint of Scottish and Newcastle supplied ale and lager consumed via The Prestoungrange Gothenburg; the 1753 Impost of 2d per pint of ale microbrewed in the town; the Fowler's Royalty income from Interbrew SA in Belgium; the income from well established Arts Classes conducted at the Cockenzie Centre; and sales commissions from their frequent exhibitions. And it has colleagues in the team with good experience at applying for and winning external grants as well. But of course it also inherits some liabilities such as the rental at the Cockenzie Centre!

Elections amongst the Members will take place before February 28th 2006 to choose the Arts Leadership Directorate [or General Committee] of the new social enterprise. Membership, giving the right to vote, involves an initial guarantee of £10 and an annual subscription of the same amount - but volunteers need not necessarily become formal Members if they are not so minded.

Any and all who might not have been involved in the two Moots thus far but would want to make their voluntary contribution, are more than welcome to contact Adele Conn at the Prestoungrange Gothenburg on Ph. 01875 819922.

Published Date: December 1st 2005

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