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Scottish Battlefields Trust Accord - next steps

Scottish Battlefields Trust comes alive ..

By end November, formal discussions will have opened, appropriately enough at Berwick on Tweed, with the UK Battlefields Trust to ensure optimal partnership arrangements are arrived at by the Scottish Battlefields Trust - whose establishment was called for by a major assembly of the nation's heritage groups on October 24th.

Arran Johnston is leading the new Scottish Trust to the next stage, and will be exploring the putative synergies available for reciprocal memberships, websites and publications. The UK Battlefields Trust has been established for many years and has much wisdom to impart and the new Scottish initiative is intended to further enhance the heritage protection required, and further develop the historical and educational roles of the kingdom's battlefields.

Once ideas are in clearer focus, all signatories to The Accord on October 24th will reconvene the adjourned 4th Biennial Symposium to debate and agree the Trust's Charter and operational guidelines. This will take place well this side of Easter 2015.

Published Date: November 19th 2014

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