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4th National Battlefield Symposium set to explore far better protection for the nation's heritage

For all interested in ensuring the nation's battlefields are well protected ...

... this Battlefields Symposium is the very best place to be! October 24th Friday, 10 - 4.30 at Prestonpans Community Centre ... admission free ..

Representative views from the US, England as well as from right across Scotland will be heard and a new national Accord explored. The dismal record of Historic Scotland since the National Inventory was established has meant they cannot be relied upon to speak up when battlefields are threatened. First Culloden was threatened, now plans have been waved through for [Inch]Cape Offshore Windfarms to build a SuSbtation actually on the Prestonpans burial area of the 1745 battlefield.

... and as the press cuttings from the county newspapers report, it's 'very public' decision time for the future home for the Battle tapestry as well. Quite simply does East Lothian want it or not?

Friday 24th October 2014 10am - 4.30pm @ Prestonpans Community Centre, Preston Road, Prestonpans EH32 9QS

Chairman - Herbert Coutts

The Battle of Prestonpans 1745 Heritage Trust cordially invites all interested individuals and groups to join them for a day of presentations and discussions addressing some of the challenges and opportunities for Scotland's battlefields.

Whether you have a private or professional interest in the nation's battlefields and associated heritage, please come along to this free symposium and share your ideas and opinions with like-minded folk!

The Programme is as follows

10:00 Coffee
10:30 Welcome and Introductions - Herbert Coutts
10:40 “Embattled” by The Battlefields Trust
11:00 Interpreting Bannockburn: New Approach - Scott McMaster, National Trust for Scotland
11:30 Recent Experiences at Culloden - Christopher Duffy, Chair 1745 Association
12:00 The Prestonpans Burials – what happened and where? Arran Johnston
12.30 Greetings from Civil War Trust (USA)

Launch of Battle of Prestonpans tartan, unveiling of new paintings “Colonel Gardiner” by Andy Hillhouse and “The Prince and Alexander MacDonald” by Ronnie Elliot, and book launch of A Border Union - Pinkie Cleugh by Sharon Dabell.

13:00 Lunch Break – exhibition viewing

14:00 Commemorating Killiecrankie - James Rattray, Killiecrankie Community Commemorations
14:20 Battle of Prestonpans 2014 - Gareth Bryn-Jones
14:45 Flodden500 and Carham1000 - Clive Hallam-Baker, Head, Remembering Flodden
15:00 Scottish Battlefields and the Inventory: concerns, limitations, and alternatives - Open Discussion

15:30 Scottish National Battlefields Accord - Signing

16:00 Closing Remarks - Herbert Coutts

Published Date: October 22nd 2014

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