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Poignant but very much Alive today: The Prince defeats the Redcoats in 9 minutes @ Prestonpans

Exhausting day[s] since the re-enactments took place on Saturday and Sunday .. not to mention that 5 am March through the Riggonhead Defile/ Blindwells/ Charlestoun!

Above and below the reports from the East Lothian Courier and East Lothian News - for which our thanks.

Approaching 4,000 visitors came for what are now the largest annual re-enactments anywhere in Scotland. It's all about telling the story of Why the Prince was here, how he fared, and just what Hope and Ambition in a young man of 25 can achieve, when he put his mind to it. It's an astonishing tale that we never tire of retelling and it's the greatest fun for the re-enactors and visitors alike.

This year East Lothian Council gave a £5,000 grant towards its total estimated budget of £25,000 including re-enactors time and subsistence and The Prestoungrange Gothenburg's hospitality [and the 90/- bottled ale and the 6.2 Wee Heavie Battle Ale from Fowler's microbrewery there.] A big Thank You to them All.

Published Date: September 27th 2014

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