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Great News for Charlestoun @ Blindwells! Bravo for Hargreaves ...

How grand not to be negative!

It's always been the opinion of the Battle Trust that the recovery of the open cast mining area at Blindwells could be very well accomplished as an eco-friendly residential area. A new community we like to call Charlestoun - for the very good reason that it was across the now barren land, then in 1745 under agriculture where it was not marshy, that the Highlanders marched to give Cope his Morning Surprise. The Charge!

The Highlanders led by local man Anderson, marched three abreast at 5 am in the morning from Tranent to just west of Seton Collegiate.

Hargreaves, the intended developers of the residential area, have been more than willing to incorporate that story in their plans - as the accompanying map shows with a Princes Park and Loch. Access will be from the west of course since the railway runs to the northern perimeter. This report comes from Marie Sharp @ the East Lothian Courier.

Needless to say, the Trust will be in regular contact with Hargreaves as plans get further developed. They are optimistic that the % for the arts might at last see Scotland's first statue of Bonnie Prince Charlie!

Published Date: September 26th 2014

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