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Plans for Field of Remembrance for those who died September 21st 1745

Battle of Prestonpans 1745 Heritage Trust commemorates those who died on September 21st 1745

Although re-enactments traditionally take place away from battle sites, out of respect for those who died, there are three reminders of that tragic day when approaching 500 are thought to have been slain.

There is a funerary memorial to Captain Lascelles in Prestonpans Church, the obelisk to Colonel Gardiner close by Bankton House and the 1745 Cairn just north of Meadowmill. That latter memorial was the location on September 21st 2014, 269 years to the day after the battle was waged, for the annual wreath laying by the re-enactors.

Lt. General Sir John Cope (characterised by Brett Braddock Fletcher) and Charles Edward Stuart, Prince Regent, (characterised by Arran Johnston) laid the wreath on behalf of the Battle of Prestonpans 1745 Heritage Trust They were supported by Gordon Prestoungrange and re-enactors drawn from both armies including Richard Ell, Alex John Morsman, Orn Gunnar, Ronald Droog and Ahakira Galbraith - with Cormack piping a Lament.

Ambitious Plans for Memorial Tables at the legendary burial sites on the battlefield

The Battle Trust has now submitted a Planning Application to create two memorial tables, one for Highlanders and one for the Redcoats. They will be erected at the location traditionally believed to be where the majority of those who fell were initially interred. It just happens to be where [Inch] Cape have suggested their electricity Sub-Station might be built.

Published Date: September 28th 2014

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