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Tapestry Stitchers and Supporters Reunion: April 2nd @ The Gothenburg

Formalising Our Friends!

We know that most of those receiving this NewsNet update are already more than just a Friend of the tapestries we’ve been creating in Prestonpans since 2009 - both the established 'celebrity’ above and the imminent artwork below – The Scottish Diaspora Tapestry. Yet stitching these artworks is only the beginning of their centuries long lives so we’ve got to get ourselves organised for our share of the long haul!

There have been 46 exhibitions of The Prestonpans Tapestry since 2010 with more than 250,000 visitors in Scotland, England and France; and the Scottish Diaspora Tapestry launches on May 31st in Prestonpans with a five-national-venues tour throughout the Homecoming 2014. To manage and support the future of both these artworks clearly needs volunteers and we very much hope you might be interested in finding out more. If so, you are invited to come to a grand reunion occasion and celebration, including a fine supper, of all that has been achieved and needs to be done. Not surprisingly it's being held at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg, High Street, Prestonpans. It's on WEDNESDAY APRIL 2nd from 6.30/ 9pm

RSVP by email or phone 01327 850600 so we can get some idea of how many to cater for, but if you can’t be there and are keen for an update, please let us know and we’ll be in touch.

The Order of Business, apart from Supper, is set out below!

1. 250,000 Visitors already – on tour of course: where and when and how?

2. So what about the PERMANENT HOME in Prestonpans? £125,000 raised but £2,000,000 still needed. Where will it be?

3. And what really is the Scottish Diaspora Tapestry? How did the Arts Festival get from the Battle to Scots across the globe? And what about the Great History of Scotland tapestry Sandy MacCall-Smith led to great success?

4. How can we organise a long term group of Friends and volunteer supporters who will [i] maintain the tapestries and/ or [ii] be attend at the touring exhibitions on an expenses paid basis? Who’s available for the European/ North American/ Australasian tours in 2015/ 16/ 17 with friends/ family across the globe perhaps? Ideally we need a Register of Friends.

Clearly none of us can do all of that but if we have a large Register of Friends we’d be able to do the challenges justice!

5. Should we attempt to establish our own ‘Stitchers’ Group’ in Prestonpans or should we simply stay with the focus we have on managing and supporting the two major artworks for the coming centuries?

6. Are two / three gigantic tapestries enough? Our Arts Festival thinks they are … for the time being, unless there’s a great idea that’s quite irresistible!

7. Are there any further tour destinations/ return visits that we can include in our schedules that Friends wish to suggest?

8. Would an annual ‘reunion’ or more perhaps be appropriate for the Friends?

9. Any/ all other ideas and propositions ….

Published Date: March 31st 2014

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