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Bayeux: 'La' Tapisserie acceuille 'Notre' Tapisserie!

First things first ...

Indeed. The Prestonpans Tapestry had to be hung on the walls at Bayeux. The camera here lies since, although Arran Johnston far left, did help a great deal with the hanging, his wife Fiona far right and Gordon Prestoungrange centre, did just a little. The hanging was in the masterful hands of M. Antoine Verney [unseen], Curator of All Bayeux Museums, armed with hammer and tape measure + his unseen colleague M. Pascal Petit.

This was the first occasion that velcro-ised wooden batons had been used to hang the 5 metre cohorts from wires, as can be seen in the pictures three panels high to be contained in the space available. Happily it works well! Numbered corners matched to the French translated leaflet had also been added.

Daily newspaper OuestFrance did us proud as did countless local news sheets ...

The Inauguration of our Exposition in Bayeux coincided with Les [Deux] Journees du Patrimonie - for these celebrations, entrance to all museums is free across France. As the press cuttings below show this brought 4,100 visitors to our own Tapestry as it appeared alongside its 1000 year old inspiration, and a total of 8,000 across Bayeux.

La Renaissance Le Bessin reports .... 'La Palme d'Or des Visites:


Ed: Our own photographs of Scottish goings on and celebrations in Bayeux, as well as our fine Normandy Banquet will be posted shortly as they are co-ordinated!

Published Date: September 24th 2013

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