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New Edition of Martin Margulies classic book on Battle of Prestonpans

This is the best published account of the build up to and conduct of the Battle in 1745 - and a great 2nd edition!

Professor Margulies published his 1st Edition in 2006 just as the Trust set its hand to the task of conservation/ presentation here in Prestonpans. We immediately became firm friends and allies. Indeed, more than that, his book became our 'bible' as we decided how best to tell the Prince's story on our 105 metre tapestry.

So when that 1st Edition, published by Tempus, went out of print the Battle Trust was delighted to take on publishing responsibility for this new, 2nd, edition. It appears on July 13th.

The author has made a few necessary corrections and all appropriate updates. The Trust itself has also added some 16pp telling of its own activities since 2006 with full colour photography.

The new outside cover will be recognisable to many as Andrew Hillhouse's recently completed battle scene as the Camerons capture the redcoat cannons.

Copies will be available at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg, from our online Boutique HERE - you can order now, from Kesleys in Haddington and via bookshops. Price £15 + pp.

Publication date is July 13th when Martin Margulies will be in The Pans for the Annual Regimental Dinner of the Alan Breck Regiment - of which he is Colonel-in-Chief.

Published Date: May 25th 2013

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