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Wedding of the Year! Mrs Sylvia Porter alias Burgess

Sylvia's been a very familiar face and name in The Pans since 1997 ...

Sylvia Burgess has worked as Baron Sergeand and Company Secretary/ Treasurer for no end of Pans arts initiatives since the Barons Courts were re-established in 1997, and on Friday May 3rd she was married to Tony Porter. Tony's an Irish Porter not a Panner!

Not all her friends from Scotland could make their way to her home town of Buckingham so for those who missed the nuptials and the celebrations, here are a couple of unofficial photographs. Yes, five 'emerald' bridesmaids and a page boy! The sun shone of course and from all here in the Arts Festivals at Prestonpans our best wishes go to Sylvia and Tony for the years ahead.

Published Date: May 4th 2013

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