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New book launched on ALL the Battles of East Lothian since pre Roman times

Yes, ALL the battles of East Lothian have important stories to tell and history lessons to learn

East Lothian was always the natural invasion route from England to Scotland, and vice versa. So it's no surprise that from pre-Roman times right up to the late 18th century battles were waged hereabouts.

Now the Prestonpans Battle Trust has invited Arran Johnston to gather them altogether in one place, a new book, to be published on April 29th. And as Guest of Honour at the launch they have invited the present day descendant of one of the victorious English generals - His Grace The Duke of Somerset. The first Duke wrought havoc in Edinburgh and Leith in 1544 and returned again to Pinkie Cleugh in September 1547.

There will be several events and photocalls, of course! But the most straightforward way to come to terms with it all is at Dunbar Town House as detailed below. And copies of the book can be ordered/ purchased at Kesley's in Haddington, at the Prestoungrange Gothenburg and online HERE

The paperback is £15 and the cloth bound hardback £25, plus any unavoidable postage. Andrew Hillhouse has created some fine illustrations. [That looks like Longshanks crushing the Scots at Dunbar in 1296 on the poster below and then Cromwell's repeat performance in 1661 on the book's actual cover - above]

Published Date: April 9th 2013

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