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Gaelic Edition for Prestonpans Tapestry Cartoon Format

Good News Keeps Coming Along ...

The Battle Trust is delighted to announce that it was just received a grant of £6,000 towards the cost of translating and publishing John Unwin's TinTin-style Cartoon presentation of the Prestonpans Tapestry. The grant comes from the Scottish Government's Scots & Gaelic Learning Directorate - our thanks.

The French and English editions appeared [just in time/ pictured here] for the Pornichet/ St Nazaire Exhibition in April/May this year and have proved very successful with young people [and not so young who love TinTin!].

If you've missed this book the English or French editions can be purchased in plenty of time for Christmas from the Online Boutique button/ PayPal on the left of this page.

The Gaelic version will be in print by April 1st latest. If that is going to be of interest, as it is in schools across the Canadian Maritimes and the Highlands already, please be in touch with Arran Johnston @ and we'll be sure to let you know as soon as it appears.

Published Date: November 20th 2012

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