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Pans Railway Station Mural [2] also shortlisted for National Award

Murals Marching On ...

With so much talk about tapestries, the glamour of the annual 3Harbours Festival and the thrall of story telling, battle re-enactments and the rest, there can be moments when the Arts Festival's 20th century origins painting murals hereabouts gets forgotten. Not really, but maybe sometimes ...

... but certainly not this month as Pans Railway Station Mural 2 completed [as was the initial Ticket Office Mural - 1] under Adele Conn's leadership has again been shortlisted for the National Award for Station Beautification! Adele just missed winning last time; here's hoping second time around!

No fewer than four new murals will be created this year alone ...

The Pans' claim, since the Global Conference was here in 2006, to be Scotland's Murals Capital based not only on quantity but quality has been further strengthened with new murals at the Infants School by Tom Ewing and at the new Health Centre by Adele Conn as well as the Labour Club mural. And now a very significant large scale mural on the wall of the Pennypit Centre is also due later this year under Tom Ewing's leadership. It plans to capture the Sporting Heroes of the Pans and will certainly include this year's Olympians.

Anyone in the Pans can nominate potential Sporting Heroes for inclusion - get in touch with Tom Ewing by email HERE. The proposed final list will be published in the coming weeks for all to see before the artwork gets underway.

Published Date: August 20th 2012

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