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Miners' Memorial 'maquette' at Home at The Gothenburg: Supporters Welcome ...

Auction Success for The Goth!

One of the highlights at the 3Harbours Festival this year was the display in Gardner Molloy's Studio of his several designs for the Prestonpans Miners' Memorial. They were being auctioned. The Gothenburg, famed until the mid-sixties as a very favourite watering hole for the mining community of the town, was delighted that its bid of £250 won the day - Gardner is giving the proceeds to the Prestonpans Community Council Appeal Fund to pay for the memorial.

The maquette, or mock up, of the winning design is shown below with Gardener explaining its detailing!

Display from now on at the Gothenburg, and Donations Invited!

The Gothenburg James Fewell Bar team, led by Carol Black and Anne Taylor, will be displaying the maquette permanently. Alongside the display will be a Collecting Tin into which it is very much hoped generous donations will continue to arrive. The sculpture will stand more than 6 feet high and fund raising is as yet only half way there, so all donations will be most welcome!

Some further detaling is given below.

Published Date: June 20th 2012

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