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Battle Tapestry @ Pans Town Hall till Wednesday 4pm

Exhibition Rises above 'local' Vicissitudes!

It's in town again, as requested, and looking well in the Town Hall - for the first time. In September 2010 it hung at the Community Centre of course.

All manner of merchandise [ideal gifts for Christmas] is also available from beautiful Wentworth jigsaws, Greentrax CDs and DVDs to tea towels [current best sellers @ £5 or 3 for £12], greetings cards, mugs and colouring books. Not to mention THE Official Guide!

The Exhibition is open daily from 12 noon till 4pm until Wednesday December 7th ....

Tim Porteus, Storyteller of The Pans, enthralled youngsters in a special session during the week as shown below, with support from the Prestoungrange Players.

Vicissitudes, what vicissitudes? Well, Opening Day saw the relevant East Lothian Council staff on strike so had to be cancelled and then the core team/ Alan Brecks were away for the weekend in Derby for the annual re-enactments of that sorry episode in the '45. So Andrew Crummy, Kristine Cunningham, Gareth Bryn-Jones and myriad Stitchers drove the van/ erected the display boards/ manned the sales desk and talked the talk. Thanks to all hands!

Published Date: December 5th 2011

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