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Nevek a multbol ... Hungary appreciates the Tapestry and the Whisky

Blogosphere from Hungary's Maltbank Herald joins the Language Challenge!

It's true we're recognised as poor linguists, but our weaknesses are being reinforced weekly by the bloggers extolling the virtues of The Prestonpans Tapestry. Thus far we've been French and Swedish challenged; now it's to be the Hungarians.

Given below is the text from 'Barman' posted on July 20th in which it's fascinating to find just how the tapestry impacts on those who gaze upon it. Not for 'Barman' the adjectives of size or colour. For 'Barman' however it's whisky that matters along the Prince's route. And the answer appears thus far to be: Dalwhinnie, St Magdalene, Tullibardine and Tweeddale. Surely there's more than that?
[What about our own local Glenkinchie? Or even a pint of Fowler's - Famous since the '45?]

click to enlarge each page

Published Date: July 25th 2011

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