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This NewsNet for Friends @ the Scottish-Swedish Society!

A comprehensive NewsNet report on the visit to The Goth including the new Goth signage in Prestonpans in English is linked HERE

... Yes, that was the third visit by Jorgen Linder and Lisbeth, and this time they brought 10 friends!

.... but there was a request for them all to take back home to Gothenburg/ Goteborg as well. Would they care to join with the Arts Festival in creating the comprehensive story of Goteborg's connections with Scotland on perhaps 5 embroidered panels. Those connections reach well beyond the Goth Pubs of the late 19th/ early 20th century.

They answered Yes, so historical research/ analysis and the recruitment of volunteer stitchers is now in hand ...... and here in Scotland the Arts Festival is in touch with the Scottish Swedish Society ...

The press cuttings below can be enlarged to read by clicking on the text. They appeared in the Goteborg-Posten as our visitors arrived in Scotland.

Published Date: June 9th 2011

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