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Salty Tales! Watch Them Run

Prestonpans First Salt Panned Since 1969

We certainly suppose the above claim to be true. Of one thing we are 100% certain however - the Prestonpans Salt Company Limited, established in 2004 to bring salt making back to Prestonpans after a gap of just under 40 years, has evaporated its first two pottles [i.e 2 x 4 pints, on loan from Fowler's Ales] of sea water taken from the baronial foreshore at the foot of Redburn Road to leave behind the crystal white flakes of pure Prestonpans Salt.

And some 150 gms of salt has been produced. Half came from applied heat and the other half from straightforward evaporation in the recent heat wave.

More evaporation is proceeding at Preston Lodge School and across the county. And all the salt samples are off for analysis to see just what other mineral traces we have that give it oh such a delicious taste, oh such a different flavour .... watch this space ...

Published Date: June 24th 2005

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