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Coastal Regeneration Gets Toothache - it needs a Fowler's Wee Heavie?

Where does the proposed Dental Surgery fit into the Coastal Regeneration 'Local' Plan that's a'brewin?

Win maybe, but scarcely win-win.

Surely fundamental questions must be asked. No matter how significant the new Dental Surgery will be for Panners, and it will, should it have the priority to use what, with the land just north of the Co-op car park, is the sole remaining stretch of seashore available for imaginative development?

Dental Surgeries don't need to be on the seashore!

The excitement which is Prestonpans in the 21st Century must have greatly superior ideas to use the land.

What sayeth the Coastal Regeneration Group? They have laboured long and hard, created models of the shoreline, received more than a thousand feeds from the community, been chaired for a year by the local MSP Iain Gray ...

click to enlarge

Published Date: February 19th 2011

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