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Invitation to Apply: BURRISS BURSARY 2011/ 2012 - Artist in Residence

Belfield Workshop 15A, Prestonpans

For the 12 month period from February 1st 2011 Belfield Studio 15A in Prestonpans is offered for use by an Artist in Residence. Any field of the arts that can be suitably accommodated in the sapce [some 250 sqft.] may apply. 15A is next door to 14A currently occupied by Prestoungrange Arts Group.

TO APPLY PLEASE REGISTER YOUR INTEREST WITH GILLIAN HART, Secretary Prestoungrange Arts Festival - by Ph. 01865 819922 or email

You will be asked immediately therafter to table an appropriate portfolio of past and present work, and a two page statement of what you would hope to achieve during your residency.

The Bursary covers Rates, Rent & Water. Electricity and communications costs are to the Winner's account.

The WINNING artist must invite one Other Artist [OA] to share throughout the period [to be named with Application]. Together they must present two exhibitions at The Gothenburg during the year .... one in May when the former Lord Mayor of Gothenburg will be visiting The Pans for the third time; and one late November.

The Winner and the OA will both also qualify for a £250 Travelling 'Support' Scholarship each towards their expenses of visiting Barga once during either 2011 or 2012 but only if they 'act in support' of such group visit there as Prestoungrange Arts Festival may arrange during these years. If none is so arranged this offer will lapse.

Two artworks [one each] should be donated to the Arts Festival at year end. N.B. Artists can be from any field of the arts and the two may be mixed!

Closing date is January 23rd 2011. Occupation February 1st 2011/ January 31st 2012. If WINNER and/ or OA wishes to continue after 12 months wholly on their own account this will be favourably considered and supported. The landlord is ultimately East Lothian Council.

Published Date: December 22nd 2010

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