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VI: Camp & Ceilidh 2010 - Showing How it's Done then ...

Weekend Encampment attracts the Crowds to Cuthill Park

Building on the success of the two day battlefield encampment in 2009 at Cuthill Park, the re-enactors were encouraged to up their game which they most certainly did.

click to enlarge all photographs

Top marks go to Meg and Friends who took on the responsibility to cook and serve lunches for all 100+ re-enactors on both days. The youngsters were fascinated. And as fortune has it, one of the re-enactors was himself a baker, so much delicious bread was to hand then mouth. The Prince ate alone at his private table!

Others displayed contemporary household items [and spectacles] and there was much talk of uniforms and weaponry. Birkbecks cannon was a star as ever but so too were the muskets.

Gordon Veitch was surrounded throughout the two days at the Battle Trust's GameBoard and the BattleBus and associated gazebo did trade in souvenir pens, books and mugs.

This year the beer didn't run out at the Ceilidh

After a 5am March along the Riggonhead Defile and a day's drill and a hard day on the battlefield, one could have forgiven any re-enactor who felt an early night was better than an energetic ceilidh. But no. It's mandatory and after two recent occasions when the Fowler's Ales ran out, this year Roddy Beveridge made certain supplies were more than adequate. The Prestonpans Tapestry taken down for the evening, the hours whizzed by ... and the Czechs piped a wee while too ...

.... and Cormack, The Prince's Piper was with us all again ... and most welcome! He played A Lament at the end of each day for those who died in the conflict.

Published Date: October 2nd 2010

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