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Goth Bistro Special: Baron's Humble Pie

Time to Show Our Regrets .... and Support Charity

Chef Andrew Laurie has been asked to offer Baron's Humble Pie as a Bistro Special for two weeks commencing May 23rd. The Baron will be publicly eating it in the Bistro on May 30th when three vistors from Salem, Mass. USA are calling at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg ... with an appropriate photocall! Mathew Wills Yr of Prestoungrange, Prestoungrange's son and heir, also in the Pans with his family, will be eating the Special the same week.

Let's All Be Eating Humble Pie for Charity

All profits from the Humble Pie Special, which includes a half pint of Fowler's Prestonpans 70/- Ale for 18+ diners, will go to the Arts Festival Charity. So please, all who want to support the Arts Festival, join in the spirit of the fortnight and eat Humble Pie too.

The recipe is of course a secret but it will be available in meat and veggie options with a touch of Fowler's Ale, but the latter in such discreet quantities that it will be OK for all the youngsters.

P.S. The Montjoye, Adele Conn, and the Baron duly enjoyed their pies on May 30th as shown below ... the mushrooms were extremely tasty.

Published Date: May 21st 2005

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