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The Scotsman on Saturday July 10th ... see its Magazine!

July 4th .. the day the 13 Colonies left us for ever with more Scotsmen signing up for the Declaration than the English . ... memorable certainly ...

Obviously a thought to ponder alongside The Prestonpans Tapestry telling the tale of Bonnie Prince Charlie's efforts that gave Scotland independence for some 8 weeks 265 years ago.

But to Serious Matters: Stitchers All, Boatie Blest Oars & Admirers and, of course, EH32 Readers, Panners-at-Large ...

...rumour and hearsay have it that on July 10th, that's a Saturday, The Scotsman in its magazine section on the arts will carry a feature article by Alison Smith ... about The Prestonpans Tapestry.

Having made this statement here, a rush can be expected on your local newsagents, so the webmaster here can only counsel placing an order early next week so your copy is saved.

N.B. If this rumour and hearsay prove to be incorrect, no refunds can be given, but at least you will know where you heard them first and who to blame ... Blame Sue Nye [c/p for Gordon Brown] or David Beckham [c/p if you're English for the well deserved exit from the FIFA World Cup and all Scots for Andy Murray's exit at Wimbledon].

But don't shoot or blame this messenger here - we are only [as Jacquie McNally #37 with #101 would say] trying to be very helpful ......

P.S. Vindicated then .. trust everyone got their copy!

Published Date: July 4th 2010

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