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Gardiner takes a trip with North British Railway ... and more Thursday outcomes!

If archaeologists can relocate battlefields it's just a short step to see Colonel Gardiner ....

...that's it - aboard the North British Railway. The earlier account that he was taken after mortal wounding beneath a thorntree to Tranent Manse by a miller on a cart is gainsaid by this photograph. Carmel Daly is working at 125 mph or more to meet the deasdline.

click to enlarge all images

Meanwhile, back at the Thursday Workshops in Cockenzie...

... all manner of fine embroidery continues to arrive whilst the stitching goes on.

The images above and below depict some of the detailing from the first engagement of the campaign at High Bridge, Crossing the Fords of Frew and the Occupation of Falkirk - later to be the scene of the Prince's second great victory in January 1746 this time over General Hawley.

Published Date: May 10th 2010

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