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Rosemary's a Day Ahead of us all in Sydney!

redcoat It's never too late for a tip or two from Down Under then!

As can be seen from the first photograph Rosemary Farmer sends from Sydney NSW, she's had plenty of time sitting in the sunlight to experiment and like Issac Newton draw a conclusion from a random occurrence. [Just about the right time for Tassie apples Rosemary?] Anyway,the tip ...

"I have found a way, by pure chance, to lessen the furriness a little of the black Appletons. I had drawn a good line with a pencil to straighten the side border and noticed when stitching how smoothly the needle and wool flowed through. And it was less furry. So I decided to run the length of wool over the lead of the pencil about four [yes four] times. Then I threaded up and tried it again.

"Yes, it was better, so I proceeded to do the border again and it's a lot better. It's the same principle of course as running silk thread through beeswax when doing 'gold' work.

"Maybe this a well known practice however it was news to me!

"As you can see, I've still to complete my tag and profile and black and white jpeg over the weekend. Then I have to tackle a huge basket of ironing, a very untidy garden, catch up on the washing and learn to cook again as my husband has been doing the majority of evening meals."
- that sounds normal! [Ed.]

click to enlarge the photographs of Panel #93

N.B. Rosemary is going to be in Musselburgh at the end of May delivering her finished panel before May 31st [!] and she's been invited of course to the next following Thursday at Andrew/ Dorie's Cockenzie Studio. She'll be able to enjoy the 3Harbours Festival too.


#93. Hundreds of Redcoat prisoners are marched to Edinburgh – September 22nd
The triumphant Highlanders first attended to the wounded and then made their way back to Musselburgh where they camped for the night of September 21st and celebrated in the public houses, Lord Elcho amongst them. They continued to Edinburgh with hundreds and hundreds of redcoat prisoners early on September 22nd. Scarcely one hundred redcoat foot soldiers escaped to rejoin the garrison in Edinburgh Castle during the night of 21st. Another hundred made their way into the countryside, most of them eventually arriving at Berwick-on-Tweed. Many who were taken prisoner, especially from the Black Watch, subsequently joined the Prince's army.

Published Date: April 10th 2010

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