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WANTED! Black and white pictures of embroiderers at work ...

Absolutely, "Yes, please".

We do realise this request of all our stitchers from Australia, the USA, France and of course mostly from Scotland .... will often be a tad difficult [and a few have not yet received their panels]. But the 'guide book' that will be published with the tapestry this coming July will contain for each and every panel a black and white photograph of its creators 'at work'.

Yes, it's the age of colour all the way, and with digital cameras and the like it's so very straightforward. But the graphic design of the 'guide book' has the colours of the tapestry panel itself on each right hand page, and everything on the left hand page [which includes the above photograph] is black ink on white paper. We are informed this ensures where the eye will travel, and we are sure it's right. [For the expert it's been checked out with a tachistoscope.]

What sort of photograph then?

Obviously one that each embroiderer will be proud of for a long time to come. Ideally we'd like a jpeg sent to Gillian Hart as an email attachment, but if that's not convenient a 6 x 4 photographic print by post to Gillian will be fine. But can we have it landscape not portrait style i.e. the 6 is along the horizontal and the 4 the vertical dimension - as here below!

The picture should show the principal embroiderer[s] at work on the panel and anyone else who has been a great help or shared the work can of course be included. If there's more than one person, however, be sure to tell us Who's Who in the picture, left/ right!

What might it look like then?

Please feel free to be happy or sad, eyes down or eyes up ... something unique like being outside one of the elements in the panel could be a nice variation, but be sure to have 'the panel' with you too. And N.B. try to ensure that in the photograph the content of the panel you are doing is apparent ... not necessarily all of it, but enough to see what's what ...

START JUST AS SOON AS YOU CAN ... get the photos flowing in asap ...

click on the photos to enlarge

Just for your edification, a few shots at Dorie's Thursday 'Stitch-Ins' at Cockenzie are provided below ... but don't be slaves to them at all. You'll at once spot all three here [above and below] are portrait style for a start ...... and we don't want them like that ... please.

Published Date: February 2nd 2010

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